Privacy Policy

[Japanes version]

At Prime Property Tokyo, Co., Ltd, your privacy is very important to us. The purpose of this privacy policy is to provide you with a description of the types of information we collect about you when you use our site at, and how we use that information. By visiting or using our Site, you agree to the provisions of this privacy policy.

1. How we use the property information we have and collect from owners of properties.
1. We use the property information to conclude contracts for real estate purchases/sales, leases, and lease brokerage service.
2. We use the property information for advertisements on the Internet and brochures.
3. We use the property information to register the property on REINS.
4. We use the property information for business activities and documents related to real estate purchases, sales, leases, and lease brokerage services.
5. We use the property information to cooperate with the regulation of the building association when managing apartments.
6. We use the property information for services related to No.1~5, such as shipping items for property, services related to the shipping, and for sending out notice about maintenances.
7. We use the property information for the account book, in accordance to the Article 49 of the Takuchi Tatemono Torihiki Gyohou Law.
8. We use the property information to make value assessments of the property and to provide assessments the prospective sales and leases in accordance to the Article 34 2-2 of the Takuchi Tatemono Torihiki Gyohou Law.
9. We use the property information to provide necessary information to the third parties, defined below in the section 3.

2. How we use the information we collect and the purpose of using the information.
1. We have and collect information from the application forms, contract documents we receive from our prospective tenants, tenants, sellers, buyers, and owners of a property who entrust management of the property to us. 2. We use our customers’ information for concluding contracts, managing matters related to the contracts, and for services after sales/purchases, leases and lease brokerage. 3. We use the information to send our clients DMs and other letters which contains information that might be beneficial for our clients.
3. When and how we provide the property and personal information to third parties.
We will not disclose the information we have and collect except to following cases and third parties No.1~ No.11. However, if requested by the client, we will suspend disclosure of personal information.

1. Individuals who are and will be contractual counterparties.
2. Real estate agencies which we work with to advance business operations.
3. For advertisements
4. When it is required by the Law.
5. When disclosure is necessary to cooperate with government institutions or local government organizations or individuals entrusted by these institutions or organizations to perform duties required by laws and regulations.
6. When financial institutions require personal information to provide our customer with loans or become a guarantor
7. When management companies of a property require personal information for their management operations.
8. When we outsource management to another company for a property we own.
9. When checking credits is necessary for a company
10. When it is required by companies that collects unpaid rent.
11. To our affiliates when it is beneficial for our clients

4. How we protect the information
1. We take measures necessary to protect personal information, and we will provide all necessary and appropriate supervision to all our staff and affiliated companies.
2. We take measures necessary to protect our database and information on Personal Computers.

5. Outsourcing
When we outsource operations to another company, we will provide supervision to make sure all the information is handled in a proper manner.

6.The Law
We will share information in accordance to the Law, Kojin Johou Hogohou.

7. Contact Information

Prime Property Tokyo Co., Ltd.
President and Representative Director Hiromi Mori
3-7-1 Higashi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0044

Tel : 03-3585-4077
Fax : 03-3585-4055
E-mail :


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